Aaron Martini currently resides in Calgary, Canada.
His love for magic began during his earlier years but it wasn't until
his university years that his magic
career began to take off. At this time he saw the creative possibilities
that magic offered. While developing his art in Calgary, Alberta,
he had the opportunity to be inspired by some the world's best entertainers:
Lance Burton, The Pendragons, David Acer, and Mandrake, just to name a
few. With the introduction of Cirque du Soleil and more inspirational
magic television specials, Aaron Martini decided to take his magic in
a new and creative direction; he combined the secrets of the ancient masters
and modern innovations with his own theories, artistic innovations and
performing style.
Martini has now taken his unique style of magic to magic audiences everywhere:
Syscon Systems
IBM Canada
Toyota |
Clubs, Schools
Westminster Century House
London Drugs
Sanigan Palace
Comedy Store
Point Grey Fiesta
Marlborough Mall
" ... fabulous, funny and entertaining ... exceptionally talented! "
Shannon Clarke, BIV
" Charismatic, entertaining and mystifying! "
Nathan Slattery, Award Winning Actor-Writer
Special Thanks
Aaron Martini would also like to thank the following magicians, illusionists, actors and actresses for their inspiration: Fantasio, Martin Nash, Michael Ammar, Jerry Andrus, Jay Scott Berry, Daryl Martinez, Ali Bongo, Sylvester The Jester, David Copperfield, David Blaine, Greg Wilson, Carter, Houdini, John Calvert, Mike Rogers, Aldo Columbini, Karrol Fox, Williard, Slydini, Amadeus, Laurel, Hardy, George Burns, The Comedy of Red Skelton, Buster Keaton, Tim Conway, Carol Burnett, Harry Blackstone, Harry Blackstone Jr., and Robert Houdin.
Serving Calgary and Area
© 2024 Aaron Martini All Rights Reserved
Calgary, Canada